Pipedrive Booster 2.0

Transform your Pipedrive into a data platform for sales performance and scale sales methodically.

Introducing the Pipedrive Booster 2.0

Implementing a modern CRM can yield up to $9 ROI per $1 spent and boost lead conversions by 300%. However, companies often take 18 months to realize these benefits due to slow implementation and onboarding. Rapid setup and training are crucial for maximizing ROI. That said, we wouldn't be Datomni if we just implemented the system in its basic form. As a Premier Pipedrive Partner, we drive maximum ROI by integrating Pipedrive with third-party data flows, such as marketing event pipelines, custom deal scoring, and automated deal valuation. Our Pipedrive Booster 2.0 turns Pipedrive into a powerful data platform for sales performance, using only our internal tools without expensive external integrators. Check our case studies.

6 components of Pipedrive Booster 2.0.

A step-by-step plan to building a scalable growth engine based on Pipedrive.

Robust Account Structure and Data Schema

We deliver a tailored data schema and account structure with custom fields, pipelines, stages, permissions, and visibility groups for maximum security.

Complete Real-Time Automation and Valuation

We automate deal and lead management, valuation, and assignment using custom logic and formulas you define that utilize any or all custom fields in your schema.

Data Migration from Legacy CRM to Pipedrive

We seamlessly transfer, filter, and enrich data from any previous CRM to Pipedrive, formatted to fit the new custom data model.

Quality Lead Generation Engine

We connect all inbound lead sources to Pipedrive, allowing only high-quality contacts based on agreed criteria.

Real-Time and Aggregate Reporting on Custom Data Model

We provide aggregated historical reports and custom real-time dashboards with monitoring and alerting capabilities.

Sales and Marketing Unification

We unify sales and marketing by helping you target active deals in Pipedrive for ad campaigns, leveraging Google and Facebook offline conversion tracking.

Advanced analytics engine on the backend

To run Pipedrive Booster 2.0, as extensive as it is, you don't need any third-party task integrators or data sync tools. This is because it runs on our custom-built analytical backend called Omni CDI, which ensures that you capture the stream of real-time events, enrich and structure it, and then use it for downstream data activation, such as triggering enriched data to your Pipedrive account or third-party tools. The Pipedrive Booster 2.0 package utilizes multiple components of Omni CDI, delivering data pipelines over which you have full control. This also means that we can incorporate almost any third-party event pipeline to enrich your Pipedrive account with even more data, without additional cost.

Robust Account Structure and Data Schema

To fully leverage your Pipedrive, we start by setting up a strong account structure. This structure organizes your data and forms a crucial foundation, encompassing elements like deals, leads, contacts, organizations, and products. It also involves custom fields, pipelines, stages, filters, and permission levels.

We ensure that your pipelines, stages, and activity types are aligned with your sales process, reflecting its key steps and tactics. Your custom fields are tailored to capture essential deal or contact attributes, such as those influencing deal valuation or rep distribution. We organize custom fields logically and establish data quality rules to uphold data integrity, defining which fields are necessary, optional, or significant.

We make sure only authorized users can access sensitive information by setting up proper visibility settings. Following these basic principles helps us create a Pipedrive account structure that works well and keeps your data safe.

Complete Real-Time Automation and Valuation

Once your data model is solid, capturing all the crucial deal details and sales processes, you're ready to dive into automation with us—both the everyday operational automations and the more advanced ones.

Operational automations handle the repetitive tasks like deal follow-ups, scheduling, moving deals between pipelines, and assigning them to reps. Pipedrive's built-in automation suite excels here, keeping your pipelines organized, engaging leads that meet specific criteria, and simplifying your workflow. Plus, it seamlessly integrates with tools like Asana, Teams, and Slack, allowing you to manage these tools directly from Pipedrive.

While Pipedrive’s built-in automations cover the basics well, they may fall short with complex deal calculations or external data sources. For example, creating custom formulas to calculate deal values using multiple custom fields isn't possible within Pipedrive's capabilities. That's where our backend analytics suite comes in. It provides real-time updates in your deal detail view and enriches your data from any third-party source, without requiring additional tools. This ensures your deal values accurately reflect all the unique details, crucial for precise pipeline and account valuations. By using solid formulas and custom fields, we ensure your deals are comparable and your reports are accurate.

With Pipedrive Booster 2.0, we equip you with everyday automations, limited only by your Pipedrive subscription plan, and real-time automations for deal assignment, custom deal value, and weighted/probabilistic deal value using various custom and standard data fields that shape your custom data model. It’s all about ensuring smooth and accurate operations.

Data Migration from Legacy CRM to Pipedrive

When implementing a new CRM system, before your team can be fully onboarded, the first step is to import your existing database of leads and deals into the new system. However, since each CRM tool exports data in different formats, it's essential to tailor your data model to fit the specifics of your legacy CRM system. This ensures a smooth transfer of all valuable deals, contacts, and data points to your new CRM. Despite having a well-designed data schema, some data wrangling is inevitable to prepare the datasets for merging.

Our Pipedrive Booster 2.0 offering streamlines the entire migration process. We handle everything from exporting data from your legacy CRM, reformatting it to align with the new data model, to finally importing it into Pipedrive. Our goal is to ensure accurate and efficient migration of all your data, regardless of the size of your CRM database.

Real-Time and Aggregate Reporting on Custom Data Model

We focus on setting up Pipedrive’s built-in reports (within your pricing plan limits) to ensure you have the most crucial insights right from the start. First, we configure deal reports, honing in on deal performance metrics like open, won, and lost counts per pipeline, conversion rates, average sales cycle, and deal progression through stages. Then, we tackle lead reports, tracking lead performance and conversion rates across different statuses. Next up, revenue and forecast reports give you a clear picture of actual revenue from closed deals and future projections based on deal value and closing probability. Real-time auto deal valuation ensures accuracy here. If your plan allows, we also delve into contact reports, breaking down contact counts by dimensions like location and birthday. Finally, activity reports keep tabs on the progress of tasks completed by you and your team.

While Pipedrive offers robust BI capabilities, its report customization options are limited. That’s where our package steps in. We include three extra customizable dashboards for real-time deal, lead, and activity performance. These dashboards offer around 20 detailed reports covering specific metrics for various deal types, with no restrictions on dimensions or metrics. They come equipped with monitoring and alerting tools to keep you informed and alert you to any issues. Rooted in our own analytical backend system, these dashboards don’t require extra tools or subscriptions. Plus, being outside the Pipedrive ecosystem, they’re easily shareable via links or embedding in your company wiki.

Our approach ensures you squeeze every drop of potential from Pipedrive, providing efficiency, accuracy, and tailored insights. With this comprehensive setup, you’ll be well-equipped to make informed decisions, streamline processes, and drive sales success.

Quality Lead Generation Engine

A key aspect of a strong Pipedrive setup is ensuring it captures leads from all channels and provides enough data for the sales team to assess and process them efficiently. Relying on subjective assessments or manual entries slows things down, especially when dealing with leads from various sources. Luckily, Pipedrive offers excellent lead capture options, although many are paid add-ons. In our Pipedrive Booster 2.0 package, we tailor these options to your needs. If inbound leads aren't your main focus or if you prefer an alternative, we offer a server-side solution to ingest leads from any source directly into Pipedrive.

Pipedrive’s LeadBooster add-on, priced at $39 per month per company on a monthly plan or $32.50 per month per company on an annual plan, is packed with features. It’s perfect for managing strong inbound channels and streamlining lead qualification. The package includes Web Forms, Chatbot, Live Chat, and Prospector. Web Forms let you create conversion forms for your website, while Chatbot allows customers to self-qualify. Live Chat facilitates real-time conversations with prospects, and Prospector helps generate outbound leads from a vast database. All tools are GDPR compliant. Keep in mind, the LeadBooster subscription includes a set number of Prospector credits and a Scheduler license for call scheduling and availability sharing with prospects.

In addition to these built-in tools, our Pipedrive Booster Package also offers a universal solution independent of LeadBooster. This solution allows you to feed new contacts directly into your Pipedrive account via a dedicated signup endpoint configured to work with the Pipedrive API. It seamlessly adds new contacts to your account, serving as a signup callback in your systems.

Sales and Marketing Unification

As an omnichannel marketing company, we make sure your valuable behavioral data in Pipedrive isn't just sitting there—it's actively boosting your marketing efforts. The final touch of our Pipedrive Booster 2.0 focuses on bridging the gap between sales and marketing in two key ways.

Firstly, we establish offline conversion tracking. This involves monitoring critical lifecycle events of your Pipedrive leads, such as the transition from leads to deals, deal wins, and progression through deal stages. This tracking can be customized to specific pipelines and stages as needed. Utilizing server-side pipelines, we feed this data into platforms like Facebook Conversion API, Google Offline Conversions, and LinkedIn Conversion API (without relying on any external tools). By tracking these conversions, your team can automate ad optimizations for the final stages of the funnel, boosting recovery or brand campaigns to enhance awareness. Additionally, we pass conversion value as a fraction of normalized deal values, ensuring ad optimization based on acceptable acquisition costs. This conversion data is linked back to the original online session using first-party cookies and attribution data.

Secondly, we facilitate audience sync with deal data. Every person associated with a deal and a valid email address is synchronized to dedicated custom audiences in Facebook Ads. This includes audiences for all open deals (representing converted leads) and separate audiences for won and lost deals to exclude them from targeting. With these audiences in your ad account, you can execute targeted ad campaigns and create lookalike audiences for lead ads, targeting prospects who resemble those who have already converted.

This approach ensures full utilization of your Pipedrive data, driving success for both sales and marketing teams.

Why Pipedrive?

50% of the salespeople's time is spent on paperwork and reporting, leaving very little time for actual sales activities. Capturing data is another struggle and often an afterthought, which causes chaos. Pipedrive helps you get sales under control. Their sales pipeline and calendar will help salespeople visualize and organize information in one place. With the mobile app, can do the tasks and update information on the go. Activities are Pipedrive’s first focus and clear priority. Mundane tasks are no longer a problem with workflow automation. Native, 2-way e-mail sync helps you have the right data — exactly where you need it. Pipedrive is an end-to-end platform for all things sales and the leader in sales technology. It's used by over 90 000 companies.



7 days

Ideal For Emerging Brands


  • Robust Account Structure and Data Schema 
  • Complete Real-Time Automation and Valuation 
  • Data Migration from Legacy CRM to Pipedrive or Between Old and New Pipedrive Accounts
  • Real-Time and Aggregate Reporting


14 days

Ideal for Scale-ups


  • Robust Account Structure and Data Schema
  • Complete Real-Time Automation and Valuation
  • Data Migration from Legacy CRM to Pipedrive or Between Old and New Pipedrive Accounts
  • Real-Time and Aggregate Reporting
  • Quality Lead Generation Engine
  • Sales and Marketing Unification

Discounts of up to 50% on our pricing plans are available for new Pipedrive accounts, whether you're migrating from another CRM or setting up Pipedrive as your first CRM. A fresh account is required for the discounted implementation rate. Schedule a call with us to determine your discount rate and plan your implementation.

Client Testimonials

We build growth engines

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