Omni Customer Data Infrastructure with Metabase

Customer data platform designed to run in a private cloud and managed by a small team

Omni CDI is Datomni's proprietary customer data infrastructure. We designed it to address imperfections we've found in other systems from the perspective of mid-size growth brands, our typical clients: lack of control, high costs, slow analytics iterations, and limited customization. Omni CDI offers a portable, cost-effective solution with full data control and extensive customization. It's perfect for high-growth, mid-sized businesses managing multiple data sources and millions of events monthly.

A highly composable data platform built for small teams with big appetite for control

We understand that most companies prefer using SaaS tools, often a stack of 20, for managing their analytics. Omni CDI is designed for those who seek to move beyond clicking buttons and take ownership. In this service, we deploy and configure Omni CDI and its components—including Omni Tracking, Analytics, Activation, Warehousing, Modeling, and Reporting—in the your private cloud. This stack manages capturing events, enriching and structuring them, activating downstream destinations, warehousing data, and generating real-time reports.

Server-side data collection and refinement

We provide SDKs for primarily server-side data capture with minimal client-side code, ensuring minimal impact on user experience. Data is first routed through Omni Analytics, where it is processed and refined before being dispatched to production collectors.

Server-side activation and warehousing

Tagging operates server-side via environment-specific containers. Data captured by Omni Data Clients is processed within these containers, initiating the warehousing pipeline at the activation stage.

Real-time reporting in private Metabase instance

Our warehousing utilizes Snowplow components to ensure stringent event validation rules. This allows us to confidently connect the reporting layer directly to warehouse data, enabling real-time metrics generation.

We've built Omni CDI to increase ROI from analytics

Analytics ROI hinges on quick implementation, high-quality data in downstream destinations, and valuable insights—it's an optimization game. We developed Omni CDI to elevate data quality, expedite analytics implementations for small teams, and cut infrastructure costs, all within your cloud without relying on third-party tools. The outcome is a simplified stack that tackles typical bottlenecks in analytics pipelines and enhances ROI, ready to process your millions of events.

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Server-side collection and capture from 1st and 3rd party sources

Omni Tracking captures events with minimal user impact and sends raw data to the Omni Analytics Dockerized instance. Inside Omni Analytics, the data undergoes validation, enrichment, and structuring to ensure high quality. These operations are managed through a user-friendly interface that enables straightforward configuration without requiring developers. This streamlined approach guarantees that the data is well-prepared for downstream activation processes.

Server-side activation on clean and refined data

We dislike having events in the activation stage without being perfectly validated and enriched first. Omni CDI ensures events are fully refined by Omni Analytics before being dispatched through the activation layer. These rich events are then further dispatched to third-party platforms and real-time warehousing and reporting.

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Real-time warehousing, reporting, and, alerting

Events refined by Omni Analytics and adapted to warehousing clients by the activation layer are streamed in real-time to the warehouse. This fuels the reporting layer in a private Metabase instance, providing instant business performance insights. Omni Analytics events follow an atomic event model, allowing for aggregate reporting and sessionization to obtain aggregate metrics. Omni CDI includes Omni ETL, a Docker application that enriches warehouse data with third-party API data for better aggregated reports.

Omni CDI is Datomni's life's work, and building never stops

We continuously enhance Omni CDI, adding new components and features to optimize your data pipelines.

Omni Tracking SDK's

We provide tracking SDK's that encapsulate the essential methods for triggering events in your Omni Analytics instances.

Dockerized Omni Analytics Instances

Omni CDI's collection and enrichment application, Omni Analytics, is deployed as a Docker Compose application, making it easy to deploy, implement, and customize. It is currently closed-source and available exclusively to clients.

Omni Activation Meta Conversion API Tag for Omni Data Client

The activation tag for Meta Conversion API utilizes deeper logging levels and offers numerous configuration options, fully compliant with the standard Omni Data Client.

Omni Activation Mixpanel Tag for Omni Data Client

Activation tag for Mixpanel utilising deeper logging levels and a number of configuration options, fully compliant with the standard Omni Data Client

Omni Activation Pipedrive Tag for Omni Data Client

Activation tag for Pipedrive that allows for ingesting enriched and structured events to Pipedrive via Omni Data Client.

Let's build it in a PoC route

We deploy Omni CDI platform with a PoC approach. We launch with a quick PoC in 3 weeks, then make improvements in 2-week steps based on what's most important to you. You can choose how many steps you need to make your system better, even none if your team can make it better on their own. Let's schedule a call to get started.

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