Pipedrive permission sets: a deep dive with 40+ permissions analyzed

There are several components of account security in Pipedrive: permission sets, visibility groups, security dashboard, and a few others. The two major ones—permission sets and visibility groups—differ in that permission sets determine what specific users in your account can do, while visibility settings determine what specific users in your account can see. However, if you look closely, this distinction can become blurry, as some permissions also control the visibility of certain things. Nonetheless, this does not invalidate the rule.

In this article, we’ll do an in depth analysis of the permission sets you can configure in your account, and give you our recommendations which of the default settings should be changed based on our experience with the clients, and how, of course.

Using permission sets in practice

From the feedback we’ve received from the clients we’ve worked with and implemented, it seems that many of them don’t often explore this part of their Pipedrive account, which is strange because it is a powerful feature that can help address some potentially negative scenarios in your account.

In our typical Pipedrive implementation workflow, determining permission sets usually occurs at the end of the process, right before user onboarding, when we sending out invitations to them.

There are a couple of things worth pointing out here. Pipedrive groups various features of the platform into modules that it refers to as “apps.” Permissions are determined at the level of these modules, and they include the Deal/Lead module, Campaign module, Global Features module, and Projects module. Each module, except for Projects, comes with a number of granular permissions that Pipedrive allows you to customize. You can also create your own permission sets.

We’ll start with the default permission sets and then recommend a number of custom permissions you can use to make your account truly secure. As always, recommendations are taken directly from the spec of our Pipedrive Booster module.

Pricing plan limits for permission sets

When creating custom permission sets, whether you follow the implementation best practices outlined in this article or develop your own, keep in mind the limits associated with each pricing plan. Here they are:

Pricing plan limitsCustom permission sets
Essential and Advanced

Managing permission sets in Pipedrive

To access the Pipedrive permission sets feature, go to “Manage Users” and select “Permission sets.”

To add your own custom permission set, click “Permission set.”

In order to edit the default permission sets, click “Edit permission set” on the modal that slides in after selecting any of them:

Diving deep into specific permission sets

In the next few sections, we’ll take a close look at some of the key permission sets that Pipedrive offers by default, discuss whether you should keep these settings unchanged based on the multiple implementations we’ve seen, and explain how to customize them if needed.

Prerequisite: regular vs admin user

When you navigate to the permission set management page, you’ll see two user tiers: Deals Admin and Regular User. Admins can do everything, while Regular Users are new users who receive default permissions when invited to your account. Keep this distinction in mind to simplify managing permissions in the future.

Deal/lead permission sets

By default, the deal/lead module comes with two permission sets:

  • Deals Admin: Users with this permission can see and edit everything related to deals, as well as company-wide deal and sales settings, such as pipelines and deal stages.
  • Deals Regular User: This is the default for new users. They typically have access to all deal and lead information but may have limitations regarding the activities they can perform.

In our opinion, the default permissions in this critical area of Pipedrive for deals/leads are too permissive and too concentrated. That’s why in our implementations—where security settings are always a default component regardless of the scope—we typically amend these standard settings to remove editing and deleting permissions for critical entities from regular users.

For example, we believe the default Deals Regular User permission set should not allow modification of lead or deal owners. Permissions to edit deals owned by other users should be delegated to a separate permission set. To avoid a high concentration of permissions for regular deal users and to ensure a cleaner division of responsibilities, we also recommend setting up a dedicated permission set for users focused on managing the LeadBooster components (LiveChat, Prospector).

PermissionWhat the permissions allow forDefault deals admin permission setDefault Deals regular user permission setOur best practice
Add dealsAdd deals to any accessible pipeline and convert leads into deals.Use default settings for manual input, but strive to implement lead qualification and conversion by a unified logic for all leads.
Add leadsManually add new leads to the Leads Inbox. Automated sources (like web forms) and Prospector can still be used to create leads. Converting deals to leads requires a separate permission.Use default settings for manual input, but strive to add leads to the inbox through the automated process based on centrally set criteria.
Edit deals owned by other usersEdit a deal’s core data. Without this permission, users can still manage followers, notes, files, documents, activities, and link emails and projects. However, merging and deleting deals require separate permissions.Create a dedicated, read-only permission set for the Deals app that prevents editing of deal fields, as it can lead to unforeseen consequences.
Edit the owner of a deal owned by other users (requires the “Edit deals owned by other users” permission).Change the owner of other users’ deals. The current owner can always reassign the deal to someone else.Remove the permission to change the default deal owner by other regular users, leaving it only on the deal admin user.
Edit leads owned by other usersEdit a lead’s core data. Without this permission, users can still add and edit notes, activities, and link emails. Merging and deleting leads require separate permissions.Use default settings.
Edit the owner of a lead owned by other users (requires the “Edit leads owned by other users” permission).Change the owner of other users’ leads. The current owner can reassign the lead to someone else regardless of this permission.Use default settings.
Delete dealsDelete any deals they have access toRemove the permission to delete deals from deal regular users’ deal permission sets. Automate deal deletion through central logic.
Delete leadsDelete any leads they have access toRemove the permission to delete leads from regular deal users’ deal permission sets. Automate deal deletion through central logic.
Convert deals to leadsConvert any deal they can access. The original deal will be deleted when it is converted to a lead.Remove the permission to delete deals to leads from regular deal users’ deal permission sets. Automate deal conversion process through central logic.
Merge dealsMerge two deals in the deal detail view.Use default settings.
Merge leadsMerge two leads in the lead detail view.Use default settings.
Edit a deal’s won/lost timeModify the won/lost timestamp of closed deals. This timestamp impacts the account statistics and reporting. Without this permission, users cannot edit this field, even for their own deals.Remove the permission to edit a deal’s won/lost time from regular deal users’ deal permission sets.
VisibilityView the number of deals and their total value in pipelines and deal list views.Use default settings.
(LeadBooster) Use Live ChatView, assign, and participate in Live Chat conversations. This permission does not include access to chat setup.Create a separate permission set exclusively for LeadBooster.
(LeadBooster) Use ProspectorAccess Prospector to search for potential leads in the database. Adding leads to Pipedrive and viewing their full details requires the “Add Prospector leads” permission.Create a separate permission set exclusively for LeadBooster.
(LeadBooster) Add Prospector leadsAdd leads from Prospector using shared credits. Add leads and link people and organizations, even without the necessary permissions.Create a separate permission set exclusively for LeadBooster.

Global features permissions

The next major module of Pipedrive to which you can customize permissions is global features permissions and it controls a number of sub-modules, such as:

The default permissions for the above elements are grouped in the familiar admin/regular user format, with a slight variation: the default permission for admins is called the Global Admin permission set, and for regular users, it’s called the Global Regular User permission set.

Let’s consider the optimal level of permissions at each level.

Data management

Structuring your Pipedrive account properly is crucial. We believe regular users shouldn’t have broad permissions that impact account structure. Pipedrive supports this approach with limited permissions in the default global regular user set, restricting access to everything but bulk editing and exporting data from list views. While bulk editing has proven to be low-risk, exporting data can be problematic. We recommend removing this permission, as allowing regular users to download your entire lead list can compromise your data security.

PermissionWhat the permissions allow forDefault global admin permission setDefault global regular user permission setOur best practice
Set up new custom fieldsAdd custom fields and groups to the data fields setup.Use default settings.
Edit custom fields setupEdit custom fields and groups to the data fields setup.Use default settings.
Delete custom fields from setupDelete custom fields and groups from the data fields setup. Deleting fields may cause data loss, but deleting a group won’t delete the fields in it.Use default settings.
Import data from spreadsheetsExactly as the permission name suggests.Use default settings.
Set up labelsCreate (lead) labels.Use default settings.
Bulk edit itemsEdit items in bulk.Use default settings.
Export data from list viewsExport list view data.Remove the permission for regular users to export list view data.

Sharing capabilities

When it comes to user permissions for sharing and editing dashboards and filters across the company, the default settings are generally safe.

PermissionWhat the permissions allow forDefault global admin permission setDefault global regular user permission setOur best practice
Share filters with other usersMake their own filters visible to all company users.Use default settings.
Edit shared filters of other users
Edit filters created and shared by other users.Use default settings.
Share Insights dashboards as public links
Create shareable links from Insights dashboards.Use default settings.

E-mails, Tools and Setup

While limited permissions for creating Smart Docs templates are understandable and should be restricted to the legal team, we disagree with the default setting that prevents regular users from building automations. Having your team trained in how to use Pipedrive automations is one of the highest-ROI goals, so we recommend enabling this permission for regular users if your team is trained. Note that we cover automations in our 1-hour free Pipedrive training for the entire team, included with any Pipedrive implementation plan as part of the Pipedrive Booster 2.0 package.

PermissionWhat the permissions allow forDefault global admin permission setDefault global regular user permission setOur best practice
Use email trackingTrack if email recipients open emails or click links.Use default settings.
Add automationsAdd new automations.Add the permission for regular users to add new automations.
Access user’s own API tokenView their personal API token for integrations.Use default settings.
Add and import Smart Docs templatesAdd templates and import them from storage. Permissions to use or edit each template are specified individually.Use default settings.

Contacts (People and Organizations) and Products

Contacts, including People and Organizations, are essential for setting up your Pipedrive account. The activities and permissions related to them are generally safe, focusing on adding or editing contacts. However, we believe regular users should not have the ability to change the owner of a contact, organization, or product. Therefore, we recommend removing these permissions from the default global regular user permission set in Pipedrive.

PermissionWhat the permissions allow forDefault admin permission setDefault regular user permission setOur best practice
Add peopleAdd a new person to the contactsUse default settings.
Add organizationsAdd a new organization to the contactsUse default settings.
Add productsAdd a product to the catalog.Use default settings.
Edit people owned by other usersEdit the core data of a contact person. Without this permission, users can still edit followers, and add and edit notes, files, documents, and activities, as well as link emails and projects. Merging and deleting require separate permissions.Use default settings.
Edit the owner on a contact person owned by other users (requires the “Edit people owned by other users” permission).Change the owner of other users’ contacts. The current owner can always assign the contact to someone else.Remove the permission for regular users to edit the owner of a person owned by other users.
Edit organizations owned by other usersEdit the core data of an organization. Without this permission, users can still edit followers, add and edit notes, files, documents, and activities, and link emails and projects. Merging and deleting require separate permissions.Use default settings.
Edit the owner on an organization owned by other users (requires the “Edit organizations owned by other users” permission)Change the owner of other users’ organizations. The current owner can always reassign the organization to someone else.Remove the permission for regular users to edit the owner of an organization owned by other users.
Edit products owned by other usersEdit the core data of a product. Without this permission, users can still edit followers. Deleting products and product price variations requires separate permissions.Use default settings.
Edit the owner on a product owned by other user (requires the “Edit products owned by other users” permission)Change the owner of other users’ products. The current owner can always reassign the product to someone else.Remove the permission for regular users to edit the owner of an product owned by other users.
Delete peopleDelete person records.Use default settings.
Delete organizationsDelete organization recordsUse default settings.
Delete productsDelete any product from the catalog. Deleted products cannot be restored.Use default settings.
Delete product price variationsDelete price variations from products in the catalog. Deleted price variations cannot be restored.Use default settings.
Merge duplicate peopleMerge two contacts using the “Merge duplicates” tool.Use default settings.
Merge duplicate organizationsMerge two organizations using the “Merge duplicates” tool.Use default settings.

Campaigns permission sets

By default, Campaign module comes with two permission sets:

  • Campaigns Admin manages everything related to the campaign configurations, including rather sensitive settings such as sender and domain information, and creates the campaigns.
  • Campaigns Limited permission set is the default setting that applies to new user and limits their capabilitieis to accessing reports.

In our experience, this default configuration is in general optimal and we haven’t found it leading to conflicts or issues in the companies we’ve worked with. Our recommendation however would be to create, if you pricing plan allows, a dedicated permission sets for the person, typically a marketer, responsible for the practical side of things when it comes to creation of campaigns, without even being able to send them. We think that it can potentially improve the flow of campaign creation in the companies. In other words, we’re talking about creating a permission sets that includes just one permission, and that is: Edit campaigns and email templates.

PermissionWhat the permissions allow forDefault campaigns admin permission setDefault campaigns limited permission setOur best practice
Manage sender and domain informationAdd, edit, and delete sender and domain information. This information will be available to all users who send campaigns.Use default settings.
View campaign reportsAccess reports that show email campaign performance (open and click rates, top geographical locations, bounces, and more).Use default settings.
Send campaignsSend campaigns to subscribed contacts. Ensure users who send campaigns have editing permissions enabled.Use default settings.
Edit campaigns and email templatesAdd and edit campaigns and email templates. Note that sending campaigns requires a separate permission.Create a dedicated permission set for people who want to create and edit campaign templates.
Delete campaigns and email templatesDelete campaign drafts and email templates.Use default settings.

Projects (only module permissions are managed without individual granular permissions)

PermissionWhat the permissions allow forDefault admin userOur best practice
Module permissionSee and edit all project data, manage company-level Projects setupUse default settings.

Spend a moment thinking about your account’s permissions

Pipedrive permissions are often overlooked, but they are crucial for keeping your account secure and running smoothly. Many users don’t realize the benefits of customizing these settings, which can lead to inefficiencies and security risks. Our article highlights why it’s important to review and adjust your permission sets to fit your business needs.

We encourage you to take a closer look at Pipedrive’s permissions and use our tips as a starting point to create a solid permission structure. As always, reach out to us if you want to maximize your Pipedrive ROI with our implementation plans, which include a free 7-day setup plan.

Photo attribution

As usual, the featured image of the article is a photograph that corresponds with the article’s topic. This time, the shoutout goes to Photo by Pietro Jeng via Unsplash.