Data-driven Marketing for Commercial Real Estate

Commercial Real Estate & Omnichannel Marketing

Stop running pointless marketing campaigns and see quick results by deploying Datomni with Commercial Real Estate Funnels. Launch real estate conversion funnel templates that have been optimized to the bone. Take your users on amazing, omnichannel journeys and see how they turn into well-qualified leads.

Great Solutions

Submit Lead Order

Use plug-and-play funnels for Commercial Real Estate and run cross-channel campaign at optimized cost per lead.

Discover market analysis

Run Funnels

Once we confirm your order, we'll deploy our omnichannel funnels to generate set amount of leads of given characteristics.

Discover innovative ideas

Scale Business

Make everything out of leads you receive and scale your business to the moon!

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Commercial Real Estate Marketing Funnel Templates

Every marketing touchpoint can change the trajectory of your users. For better or for worse. Users jump between channels and lose interest in the brink of an eye. If your marketing funnel is not perfectly optimized, you're losing money and generating suboptimal results. Run our funnels and get them deliver results to your business.

Funnel Content Customization

No one likes generic content. That's why we'll make your new funnels match the visual identification of your company. Colors, fonts, copy flow - we'll make sure these elements fit well.

Variety of Commercial Real Estate Funnels

New Property Funnel

Get buyers to notice your new investment

Open Day Funnel

Get potential buyers to flock to the property showcase

Purchase Ready Funnel

Qualify property buyers for their purchase readiness

Property Buyer Funnel

Get access to engaged buyers of real estate properties

Valuation Funnel

Schedule property valuation appointments

Welcome to the Commercial Real Estate Lead Order Form!

Our omnichannel funnels help you generate quality leads that met very specific criteria. You can quickly order such leads using the form below. All you have to do is define how many leads of what characteristics you want. Lead Campaign for Commercial Real Estate is calculated dynamically upon your choices and displayed under the form below.

What kind of property do you want the leads to be looking for?
What kind of rent scenario do you want the leads to be interested in?
What’s the size of the space searched for by the leads?
Which city do you want the leads to rent office space in?
Which location category should the leads be willing to rent your space in?
What should be the preferred contract length of the lead?
What’s the leads’ monthly rent budget?

Customer background

We ask for this because the your company parameters influence lead acquisition cost

Experience seniority is a major factor in lead acquisition cost.
Experience metrics, like the number of properties leased to date, are a significant decision-making factor and can reduce lead acquisition cost drastically.
Testimonials reduce lead acquisition cost by trust and familiarity effects.
Quality blog reduces lead acquisition cost by triggering and enforcing attention and respect.
Additional signup incentives provided by your company:
Key contact details include telephone number, e-mail address, company name and preferred rent period.
Offering tangible magnets to leads can convince them to request contact from your company.
Mark yes if leads have access to any additional benefits upon successful contract (e.g. interior space help)

Campaign budget summary

The amount below includes advertising and data processing cost.


Total, all-inclusive budget to generate the requested quantity of leads that match the profile.

Total budget

Sign up to start acquiring leads that match your profile.

Lead delivery timespan: 75 days

Want to confirm or discuss campaign parameters before placing your order? Schedule a call!

[2019 June 17] Legal Note: This document has been carefully created by Datomni sp. z o.o. and a lot of effort has been made to ensure no errors or mistakes are present in the document. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying for any purpose other than the purchaser’s use without the written permission of Datomni sp. z o.o. Send your use request to